Best Art Marketplaces For Buying Art Online
What are some of the best marketplaces in India for buying artwork online? Answers India’s leading contemporary artists and painters Shantal

World Famous Painting ‘Creation of Adam’ by Michelangelo - What Does it Mean?
Famous painting creation of Adam by Michelangelo - What Does it Mean? Answers India’s top contemporary artist and painter Shantala

Rediscovering Kaavi Art: A Hidden Gem of Goan Folklore
Do you know about Kaavi Art a hidden gem of Goan folklore? Explores India's leading new generation contemporary artist Shantala Palat

Benefits of Using Wall Art Decor in Your Home
India's leading contemporary artist Shantala Palat shares the benefits of incorporating wall art into your home decor

Unveiling Manjusha: Where Stories Come Alive on Boxes in Bihar
India's generation contemporary artist Shantala Palat shares a glimpse into Manjusha's painting of Bihar, India

How to buy paintings for the living room
Eminent Indian painter and artist Shantala Palat shares how to select paintings for the living room